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Kaliyah's Lesson

Angebote / Angebote:

Hello, it's me, Kaliyah, and welcome to Kaliyah's Lessons. I'm going to let you in on a secret. Mother Earth is our home, she's our planet, and she gives us life to experience as we grow together as one. I love to learn awesome secrets, awareness, and safety tips for us kids. I think it's pretty neat, and I wanted some friends to share this with. Come join me in "Stranger, Danger." This lesson is to inform kids and make them aware of kidnappers. It's completely natural to love life as a kid. Our planet is a really neat place. And it can remain that way for us, to live safely as we grow together as a planet. This lesson informs us about strangers. What do strangers do? How do strangers act? What do these strangers look like? After you read this lesson, you will know how to be safe while living on our planet.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


37,90 CHF

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