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municable Disease Control, Dr. Itotia, Director of the The geomedical monograph on Kenya continues the National Public Health Laboratories, Dr. J. M. D. Ro­ series of Regional Studies in Geographical Medicine berts, Head of the Division of Vector-Borne Diseases, founded by Ernst Rodenwaldt in 1965, which may be considered as supplementing the World Atlas of Epidem­ and to Mr. Ted Abukuse, Chief Statistician at the Minis­ ic Diseases of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences. Since try of Health, Nairobi. The authors offer their particular thanks for support the appearance of the first volume in 1967 the series has and valuable suggestions to Dr. 1. C. Vogel, formerly been edited by Helmut]. Jusatz under the aegis of the Professor of Community Health in the Medical Faculty Mathematical and Natural Sciences Class of the Heidel­ berg Academy of Sciences. at the University of Nairobi and member of the Royal The authors wish to express their thanks to the edi­ Tropical Institute, Amsterdam. Thanks are due to the Survey of Kenya for their willingness to allow the au­ tor for his suggestion that they should undertake this thors to reproduce some maps in the National Atlas of kind of teamwork, and to acknowledge with gratitude Kenya. The authors extend their thanks to their col­ the manner in which Professor Jusatz ensured the most league, Professor S. H.
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