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  • Kitt the Kid and the High Seas Adventure

Kitt the Kid and the High Seas Adventure

Angebote / Angebote:

Kitt the Kid is off on another adventure, this time on the ocean. His parents have a beach house. He gets to go every summer, and the fun starts as soon as they get there. Kitt goes to play on the sandy beach with a bucket and shovel. One day he spots a surfboard resting on dry land. Kitt uses his imagination, and the surfboard becomes a motorboat, with him as its captain! Wearing his life jacket, he dreams up a crew that includes a tiny crab, fish, clams, lobsters, shrimp, starfish, and even a snapping turtle named Mark. Together they set off for an adventure on the high seas. But when they encounter a whale with a fishing line wrapped around his fins and tail, Kitt and his crew must do what they can to help. In this children's tale, a young boy playing on a beach dreams up an ocean voyage on a motorboat with a crew of sea creatures and imagines rescuing a whale that's in trouble.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


46,90 CHF

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