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We are witnessing the biggest refugee crisis since World War II. One in 113 people in the world are currently displaced. 22.5 million have been forced to leave home due to war, violence, and persecution. ( And this number will only increase as Climate Change kicks in.In the meantime, our economy is suffering from a trade war with China, tariffs on our allies, and a growing realization that-even in this era of "post-globalization"-the US is deeply connected to the rest of the world and can't survive in isolation.In this context, the experience of US Foreign Service Officers as well as travelers of all types in far flung parts of the world has great value and is essential if we are to forge ahead in this multi-polar world.Census and State Department data tells us that 21.4 million passports were issued in 2016, the most ever.42 percent of Americans in 2016 held a passport, a growth of 15 percent since 2007. (In 1990, only 4 percent of Americans had a passport.)Passport data signals a growing audience of Americans who have engaged in foreign travel and with whom memoirs of Americans in foreign lands may wall resonate.
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