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Knitted Fairies

Angebote / Angebote:

Using easy-to-follow patterns, this instructive guide enables knitters of all skill levels to fashion 10 fantastical fairies. Each fairy uses a basic body pattern and measures approximately 40 cm (16 in) from top to toe, but they all have their own character and style. Included in the book are patterns for the dark Gothic fairy, the enigmatic moon fairy, the cool ice fairy, and even Oberon, the king of the fairies. Finished fairies sport their own costumes, complete with wings, in a range of yarns and other embellishments--ideal for using up scraps from the knitting basket. Homemade craft projects make unique and memorable gifts, and "Little Knitted Fairies" allows knitters to create dolls for both adults and older children while easily adapting them to match the recipient's personality or lifestyle.
Fremdlagertitel. Lieferzeit unbestimmt


17,90 CHF

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