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Knowledge Revealed

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Triunity: How to Know That the Three Are One GENESIS 1:1 SAYS, "In the beginning God." God is three in one. For many years, I lacked the depth of understanding of how this could be. I accepted by faith what I could not understand with my finite mind. Ephesians 4:23 says, "And be renewed in the spirit of your mind." Further study gave me a revealed knowledge of another truth that I will tie into the trinity of God. Many a time women and children are not mentioned in the Bible accounts. For example, Matthew 15:38 says, "And they that had eaten were five thousand, beside the women and children." As the husband is the head of the wife and children, his household is a trinity. So Christ is the head of the church and God the Father is the Godhead. The Holy Spirit is in operation for and through the church. God the Father, Jesus the Christ, KNOWLEDGE REVEALED 23 and the Holy Spirit work as one unit, as the family unit is one working together. To emphasize the above fact, wives and children belong to the husband and are one in him. Genesis 2:24 says, "Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh." Even so, we who believe in Christ as our Savior are one in body with Him. God the Father, Jesus Christ the son, and the Holy Spirit, are one in the Godhead. Regarding Triunity and further revealed knowledge: A study of Through the Bible Study with Roper Press booklets. ** A question I asked myself of which I was not sure of the answer was "should I write "Jesus" or Triunity?" I simply wrote, "Jesus Tri-umphant." Just then, the Holy Spirit of God revealed to me that Tri-umphant means the whole Godhead. Triunity, three in one, triumphant, Glory to God! ** Harlin J Roper, Through The Bible Study, 1978 Dallas, TX: Roper Press (Used with permission).
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