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Krazy Faith

Angebote / Angebote:

The Holy Spirit directly inspired this incredible book. Are you ready to go deeper in yourfaith and to be encouraged in the process? Are you ready to live an extraordinary life of purevictories? This book will help you increase your faith, and move you from faith to faith and glory toglory, in your relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You will learn:¿ What is faith¿ The importance of confessing the Word of faith¿ The Power of planting a seed¿ How to walk by faith not fear¿ What it really means to wait in faithIt details miracles, signs and wonders God performed in the author's life, while highlightingBiblical examples to illustrate people who also used their faith and experienced miracles. This bookwill plant seeds of faith in the none-believer's heart and eventually lead them to the prayer ofrepentance, and much more.About the AuthorWhen South meets North, you get Maxine A. Ryan arriving on these shores with her prayeraltar in hand. Well established as a prayer model and mentor spending time in the secret place, her God - given gift of prayer has enlarged her territory to bring "radical" change to prayer-lesslives. Unbeknownst to her, there was a call to ministry drawing her into an effectual life ofprayer. With a sincere heart to minister to the lost and the found, Maxine has successfully built alifestyle of intimacy inside the walls of God's presence. Miraculously healed from a childhoodstutter, she speaks the language of heaven fluently with power. With spiritual skill and precision, her prayers can shift any atmosphere bringing heaven into the earth-which gives her anedge-for people on the edge. Maxine's ability to reach God in the Throne Room gives her fullaccess to Him on a more personal, passionate, and deeper level.This exceptional woman of grace is determined to make sure believers know their spiritualinheritance. Wife to husband Robert and mother to Amari and Carisha, Maxine's love for familyallows her to pour into the vessels of others. A lifetime student of God's Word, she earned aBachelor of Arts in Religious Studies from Victory Bible College in Suitland, Maryland. Shebelieves prayer is essential for Christian living. Maxine's passion is intimacy with God andhelping God's people grow in their relationship with Him. She has committed her life todiscipling others for Christ.
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