In this tale of great beauty and overflowing imagination, Karina Sainz Borgo combines reality with fantasy and myth to raise, through a carefully crafted and very poetic prose, a new world centered in an imaginary island where Doctor Schubert, half doctor, half explorer, inhabits. This story, accompanied by Natàlia Pàmies's enticing illustrations, connects with the greatest adventure and fantasy books of all times, namely Homer's Odyssey, H. G. Wells' The Island of Doctor Moreau (to which the title pays homage), Treasure Island, by Stevenson, or Jack London's and Emilio Salgari's most celebrated stories." />
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La isla del Doctor Schubert

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El nuevo libro de la autora ganadora del Grand Prix Madame Figaro y finalista del LiBeraturpreis: el último fenómeno de la literatura en español, traducida a treinta idiomas y comparada con Borges y Coetzee por la crítica internacional «Sencillamente, magistral». -Fernando Aramburu «Sainz Borgo habla sacando las palabras de las vísceras más secretas». -Antonio Lucas, El Mundo> En este relato de imaginación desbordante y gran belleza, Karina Sainz Borgo mezcla la realidad con lo fantástico y el mito para levantar, con una prosa cuidadísima y muy poética, un mundo nuevo centrado en una isla imaginaria donde habita el doctor Schubert, medio médico y medio aventurero. Esta historia, a la que acompañan las sugerentes ilustraciones de Natàlia Pàmies, conecta con los grandes libros de aventuras y fantasía de todos los tiempos, de la Odisea, de Homero, a La isla del doctor Moreau (a la que homenajea en el título), de H. G. Wells, La isla del tesoro, de Stevenson, o los relatos más celebrados de Jack London y Emilio Salgari. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The new book by the Grand Prix Madame Figaro winner and finalist in the LiBeraturpreis, the latest phenomenon in Spanish literature, translated into thirty languages, and compared to Borges and Coetzee by the international critic. "Simply superb." --Fernando Aramburu "Sainz Borgo speaks pulling out words from her most secret insides." --Antonio Lucas, El Mundo > In this tale of great beauty and overflowing imagination, Karina Sainz Borgo combines reality with fantasy and myth to raise, through a carefully crafted and very poetic prose, a new world centered in an imaginary island where Doctor Schubert, half doctor, half explorer, inhabits. This story, accompanied by Natàlia Pàmies's enticing illustrations, connects with the greatest adventure and fantasy books of all times, namely Homer's Odyssey, H. G. Wells' The Island of Doctor Moreau (to which the title pays homage), Treasure Island, by Stevenson, or Jack London's and Emilio Salgari's most celebrated stories.
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