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Lacey Act

Angebote / Angebote:

The Lacey Act was enacted in 1900 to prevent hunters from killing game in one state and escaping prosecution by crossing state lines. It has evolved into a law that prohibits import, export, transport, purchase, or sales of species when that action would violate state, federal, tribal or foreign law. Congress amended the Lacey Act most recently in 2008, expanding the reach of the act to include timber and timber products. It also regulated the introduction of non-native species and prohibited shipment of wildlife without clear identification of the contents and shipper. This book examines the Lacey Act, with a focus on protecting the environment by restricting trade, compliance issues related to importing plants and plant products, the Lacey Act Amendment, and Lacey Act Primer.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


255,00 CHF