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Laws of Nature

Angebote / Angebote:

Frontmatter -- I. Introduction -- Laws of Nature - Laws of Science / Weinert, Friedel -- II. Philosophical Views -- The Neo-Humean Perspective: Laws as Regularities / Swartz, Norman -- The Necessitarian Perspective: Laws as Natural Entailments / Leckey, Martin / Bigelow, John -- The Skeptical Perspective: Science without Laws of Nature / Giere, Ronald -- The Middle Ground: Resiliency and Laws in the Web of Belief / Skyrms, Brian / Lambert, Karl -- The New Aspect: Symmetries as Meta-Laws / Morrison, Margaret -- III. Scientific Views -- Laws and Experiment / Franklin, Allan -- Laws and Theories: Generality versus Coherence / Scheibe, Erhard -- Laws and Chaos / Haken, Hermann -- Algorithmic Compressibility, Fundamental and Phenomenological Laws / Davies, Paul -- The Distinctness of Biology / Ayala, Francisco -- IV. Historical Views -- Origins of Scientific "Law" / Ruby, Jane -- Algamation of a Concept: Laws of Nature in the New Sciences / Steinle, Friedrich -- Theory Bound and Unbound: Superstrings and Experiments / Galison, Peter -- List of Contributors -- Subject Index -- Names Index
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


137,00 CHF