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This book will show you how to use adversity as the essential fuel to drive you to success*, to a more abundant richer life**, and to become a better, more effective leader. This groundbreaking academic research reveals the true nature of leadership and overcoming adversity. Nine prominent leaders share with you their candid and insightful secrets of how they overcame adversity and became successful leaders. Leading experts agreed with Dr. Haller... Dr. Meg Wheatley "I was intrigued by your findings, which feel very congruent with what I've noticed in my own work with leaders"- Jack Canfield "I think adversity is something that forces you to wake up, it forces you grow, to gain wisdom, to become [a] more compassionate...stronger leader"- Dr. Blanchard "overcoming adversity or obstacles was important in the development of leaders"- Jim Kouzes agreed "leaders view challenges as opportunities"- Mark Victor Hansen & Jack Canfield "problems are assets"- *Dr. Paul Stoltz "I believe great leaders actually convert adversity into fuel, to power their resolve and efforts. I believe adversity is not helpful. It is essential"- **Nido Qubein "turn adversity into abundance!
Folgt in ca. 5 Arbeitstagen


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