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  • Leading Academic Achievement for English Language Learners

Leading Academic Achievement for English Language Learners

Angebote / Angebote:

This book will be the catalyst for transforming instruction for the English language learners.' - Dalane E. Bouillion, Associate Superintendent Sprint I.S.D., Houston, TX 'The author offers a wealth of ideas, strategies, suggestions, tips and tools for implementation. There are logical and helpful conclusions on nearly every page!' - Cathy A. Patterson, Teacher and Former Assisstant Principal Evergreen Elementary School, Diamond Bar, CA How to give English language learners every opportunity for success Are you faced with the challenge of making sure that English language learners succeed? This practical book shows how to shape a school culture conducive to high academic achievement for all students. An award-winning former principal and a professional development specialist provide the steps for developing teacher capacity, applying successful instructional practices, and advocating for ELLs. Written in straightforward language with quick reference charts, summaries, resources, and tools, the text provides: - Strategies for creating a culture of ELL advocacy and achievement - Case studies from school leaders who have created positive change for ELLs - Professional development tools that build teachers' knowledge of second language acquisition - Tips for strengthening home-school-community connections This guide is an easy reference for faculty meetings, observations, and staff training sessions. The authors build a valuable bridge between relevant research and practical applications that will reap measurable results.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


55,90 CHF

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