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Excerpt: ..."You know, " he said, "you don't do badly for an amateur!" "She doesn't do badly, " Gaya's voice said behind Trigger, "for anybody. How do you people feel about a drink? I thought I could use one myself after looking at the chief's restructure." Trigger felt herself coloring. Praise from the cloak and dagger experts! For some reason it pleased her immensely. She turned her head to smile at Gaya, standing there with three glasses on a tray. "Thanks!" she said. She took one of the glasses. Gaya held the tray out to Quillan and took the third glass herself. It was some five minutes later when Trigger remarked, "You know, I'm getting sleepy." Quillan looked around the viewer equipment he and Gaya were dismantling. "Why not hit the couch over there and take a nap?" he suggested. "It'll be about an hour before the boys can get down here for the real conference." p. 173 "Good idea." Trigger yawned, finished her drink, put the glass on a table, and wandered over to the couch. She stretched out on it. A drowsy somnolence enveloped her almost instantly. She closed her eyes. Ten minutes later, Gaya, standing over her, announced, "Well, she's out." "Fine, " said Quillan, packaging the rest of the equipment. "Tell them to haul in the rest cubicle. I'll be done here in a minute. Then you and the lady warden can take over." Gaya looked down at Trigger. There was a trace of regret in her face. "I think, " she said, "she's going to be fairly displeased with you when she wakes up and finds she's on Manon." "Wouldn't doubt it, " said Quillan. "But from what I've seen of that chick, she's going to get fairly displeased with me from time to time on this operation anyway." Gaya looked at his back. "Major Quillan, " she said, "would you like a tip from a keen-eyed operator?" "Go ahead, ole keen-eyed op!" Quillan said in kindly tones. "Not that you don't have it coming, boy, " said Gaya. "But watch yourself! This one is dangerous. This one could sink you for keeps." "You're...
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