Read all 3 books in The Quest For Reason series: Lily Datura Leilani" />
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An exciting vampire adventure that will make you fall in love with paranormal genre all over again." -- Page Turners (Lily) Lily, once a solitary and lonely vampire, has finally found the love she longed for in Christian, her husband and newly turned vampire. Once settled in Peru, life is finally taking on a semblance of normalcy--despite the bodyguards protecting them from a cadre of evil vampires desperate for revenge. Lily, Christian, and their friends are on a quest to find their newly adopted son's long-lost sister, a child with an uncontrollable power, when their son becomes gravely ill and is then taken from his hospital ward. > Read all 3 books in The Quest For Reason series: Lily Datura Leilani
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


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