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Dee Brauninger has a way with words that makes one's heart sing and be open to learn andhear more. Gentle phrases leap out and make one think and wrestle with God and one's self.(from the introduction)Margaret Slater, Inclusive Ministry CoordinatorLocal Church Ministries, United Church of ChristIn these meditations on the love and trust of the relationship between guide dog and person, readersfind themselves learning to love and to trust in other important ways. Brauninger speaksfrom experience, yet with care and respect for the reader's own journey and conclusions about life.Mary Avidano, PastorAlbion United Church of ChristAlbion, NebraskaBrauninger has a gift for writing words that are truly inspired and inspiring. Her workwith guide dogs has given her a unique insight into spiritual life, and a very understandableway of presenting God's message.Judy Campbell, Director of TrainingLeader Dogs for the BlindRochester, MichiganTheses superbly crafted meditations, focusing on messages of hope and the reality of God'spresence, introduce insights that speak to the heart. The meditations bear reading severaltimes, allowing one to savor the words and explore the meanings for one's own life.Martha D. Walker, Counselor and Christian EducatorPottstown, PennsylvaniaUsing her own experiences with leader dogs as a metaphor for our dependence upon a caringGod, Brauninger creatively weaves together personal stories, fresh insights into biblical passages, and implications for people in the pews.Dosia Carlson, Pastor EmeritusChurch of the BeatitudesPhoenix, ArizonaThese messages are a real treasure! Told in a setting that includes a dog guide namedTreasure, the stories help relate our faith to our own daily situations. Treasure helps us gainsome insight and understanding into both our faith and our life.Bob Loffer, Associate Conference MinisterNebraska Conference, United Church of ChristThe images of our faith strengthen our spiritual growth. Dee Brauninger weaves the attributesof the divine so well as she captures the person with a disability living in unity with adog, or is it with God?David Denham, ConsultantUnited Church of Christ Disabilities MinistriesDallas A. Brauninger is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ andfull-time writer who has served churches in Colorado and Nebraska. She has been honoredby her denomination for outstanding ministry to persons with disabilities and theirfamilies, and she is the editor of That All May Worship And Serve, the United Church ofChrist's national disabilities ministry newsletter. A cum laude graduate of Albion College, Brauninger received her Master of Divinity degree and an honorary Doctor of Divinitydegree from Chicago Theological Seminary. Among Brauninger's many other CSS titlesare Preaching The Miracles and Preaching The Parables.
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