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Life Choices

Angebote / Angebote:

This book explores the spiritual essence of abortion, its historical context, and the empowering lessons of the abortion experience. Abortion can help anyone learn the importance of making conscious choices about how we live our lives. It opens the way to greater connection with life, love, death, and power. It is a rite of passage from identifying as a victim to knowing from the heart. It is a legitimate experience. The essentially pro-life nature of abortion asks us to learn to accept death as part of the flow of life. Misunderstanding and denying the importance of death in life is one of the main reasons for the ferocious "abortion wars". Making conscious choices about pregnancy shows us how we are part of nature, not separate from it. Coming to grips with abortion, both individually and collectively, is a step down the road to taking responsibility for the well being of all life. Women are rising and becoming empowered on a world scale. This book explains how this natural historical development is guided by experiences that put us in direct conflict with limited definitions of ourselves, which can keep us tied to the ways of patriarchy. For many women, having an abortion is fraught with conflicts about personal worth. When the issues are faced and worked through, personal pain transforms into personal power. Embracing the power to carry through with or turn back pregnancy empowers women to bring love into the world in new and stronger ways.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


31,90 CHF