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Life in Beauty

Angebote / Angebote:

Book in Treasure Box. "Life in Beauty" demonstrates how experiences of beauty bring us in close proximity with spirit and so, to pure joy. Kate presents a unique view, demonstrating a rarely recognised pathway to spirit through beauty. This enchanting book, artfully packaged in a beauty treasure box, is as much an experience as an idea. It delights, captivates and opens the heart and soul to experience life differently. In gold and jade, rich with imagery, the box captures the imagination, calling out to be touched and used. The initial experience of the book begins with the beautiful Beauty Treasure Box, which contains it. The box is intended as the reader's own repository for beauty experiences, a place where personal treasures can be safely stowed and brought out when one wants to reclaim an experience of beauty. Thus, Porter, not only shows the reader a pathway to spirit, but also gives him/her a tool to use on the journey to awe and wonder. On opening the box, one is presented with the little pocket book, "Life in Beauty". This little book is such a sweet read, that it is likely to be viewed as a treasure to be visited again and again. It may sit on a bedside table or be hidden away in a handbag to be brought out and perused whenever the mundane of life intrudes too much.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


41,90 CHF