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Listen... God Speaks Hope!

Angebote / Angebote:

Have you ever had a time when you needed to hear a word of encouragement from a loved one or a friend?Perhaps there have been times when just a few words from someone of trust would give you that extra pushyou needed to forge ahead in spite of your circumstances. Family and friends may sincerely love us, butthere is no love like the love of God. People will not always be available, but the presence of God is neverending. He will speak to your spirit at the most unexpected times.Many of these messages spoke comfort to my heart more than twenty-five years ago when I was enduringgreat struggles and trudging through challenging times. There are other messages that gave me divinedirection during more current situations. During the seasons when I took on caring for elderly familymembers, God spoke strength to my weariness. When finances were challenged, God spoke peace to mysoul. In times of fear and when doubts plagued my own God-given abilities, God spoke courage to myheart. When I felt lost, confused, disappointed, at an energy deficit, or just desperately needed to smile, God provided the words of assurance and hope that helped me to press onward.The power, grace and love of God spoken in His words of hope are timeless! I am so grateful for Hispatience with me because I am finally heeding the call to share these messages with you. It is my prayer thatyou will also find hope, healing, and great grace in these words from God. Let Him speak to you! Pass amessage on to someone longing to be blessed! Allow God to encourage you! Let Him put a smile on yourface! Trust Him to guide you! I promise you, He will carry you through every situation!Listen...God has Messages of Hope!
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