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Little Kids and Their Big Dogs

Angebote / Angebote:

From hugely popular photographer Andy Seliverstoff of St. Petersburg, Russia, comes this utterly charming collection of just what the title says - little kids and the big dogs they love. Through the prism of Seliverstoff's magic lens, impossibly big dogs (Great Danes, Saint Bernards, Leonbergers, Newfoundlands, Irish Wolfhounds, to name a few) and some rare ones (like Komondorok and Bracchi Italiani) telegraph the special relationships they have with the children in their lives. "In the end, I hope the photos convey this important message: Love for dogs and children makes people kinder, " Seliverstoff says. Also available: "Little Kids and Their Big Dogs" greeting card ( and -- coming very soon -- 2018 calendar.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


69,00 CHF

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