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Look Closely

Angebote / Angebote:

Look Closely is the eighth collection of haiku by this author. His first, The Healing Spirit of Haiku (2004 & 2014), was co-authored with Joel Weishaus. White Rose, Red Rose (2017) was written with Johnny Baranski. His five other collections are as follows: Clouds and More Clouds (2013), Spelunking Through Life (2016), Living With Evergreens (2017), In Search of the Hidden Pond (2017), and Torii Haiku (2018). Haiku is magical, as it allows for an immediate experience of the moment captured by each small poem. Welcome to the journey and pay close attention to each tiny poem. "Here is a collection by a veteran haiku poet and psychiatrist whose poetry softly glows with innocence, spontaneity, courage, and humor. Few have a heart as open as David H. Rosen's to face with daring honesty the full catastrophe that includes everlasting love, friendship, illness, aging, loss, and nothingness. The results are disarmingly simple revelations of poetic truth rooted in nature. Listen closely, follow the pulse of love, and live!" --Robert Epstein, author, Nothing is Empty: A Whole Haiku World David H. Rosen MD is the author of such wide-ranging books as: Transforming Depression: Healing the Soul Through Creativity (1993), The Tao of Elvis (2002), The Healing Spirit of Haiku (2004), and Time, Love, and Licorice (2015).
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


15,50 CHF