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  • L¿sat singur cu sfin¿ii

L¿sat singur cu sfin¿ii

Angebote / Angebote:

Cartea L¿sat singur cu sfin¿ii a fost scris¿ într-un moment, considerat a fi, al reuniunii räiunii cu gândirea. Ideea central¿ e credin¿a în Isus, ca singur¿ modalitate de a m¿ îndrepta înspre bucuria cunoäterii pe Calea adev¿rului. Tr¿irile expuse în carte au coresponden¿a încrederii ¿i con¿tientei divinului, ca unic motiv de existen¿¿. V¿ dedic aceast¿ lucrare, tuturor acelora care vre¿i ¿i c¿utäi lini¿tea interioar¿, prin bun¿tate ¿i dragoste deplin¿. The book Left Alone with the Saints was written at a time, considered to be, the reunion of reason and thought. The central idea is faith in Jesus as the only way to move towards the joy of knowledge on the Way of Truth. The experiences presented in the book have the correspondence of trust and awareness of the divine as the only reason for existence. I dedicate this work to all of you who want and seek inner peace through goodness and full love.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


35,50 CHF

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