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Angebote / Angebote:

Douglas MacArthur might be popularly remembered for his legendary pledge of 'I shall return, ' but it was his ability to adapt and perceiver that catalyzed his greatest accomplishments. Adaptability has become an indispensable trait for military leadership especially in an era when technological leaps guarantee the nature of war will radically change during the span of an ordinary career. No American figure better exemplifies this trait than the man who was commissioned before the Wright Brothers' first flight, but became one of the first proponents of a new dimension in warfare - the Air Force. Conversely, MacArthur was also unmatched for his management of peace during the U.S. occupation of Japan. A veteran of three wars, WWI, WWII, and the Korean War, his aggressive, often controversial, strategies ultimately cost him his career. In April 1951 he was relieved of his command by President Truman. MacArthur's legacy as a brilliant strategist and national hero will certainly endure and will continue to be an example for generations both in and out of uniform.
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