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Making and Selling Cars

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From the creation of fast food to the design of cities, the automobile has shaped nearly every aspect of modern American life. James M. Rubenstein documents the story of the automotive industry, revealing it as a vigorous shaper of the American economy as well as an industry constantly struggling to redefine itself."What makes [Rubenstein's] book noteworthy is that he has brought together material that is usually the preserve of different types of scholarship, and done so in a straightforward manner impressive in scope."--Technology and Culture"A comprehensive history of the automobile industry with much data on production and the market . . . The book is fascinating."--Science, Technology and Society"This is a book written for the person who wants to learn everything there is to know about the history, economics, sociology, engineering practices, marketing strategies, and biographies of leading figures associated with the automobile industry, all contained in a single, easy-to-read story."--Professional GeographerJames M. Rubenstein is a professor of geography at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. His previous publications include The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography, An Introduction to Geography: People, Places, and Environment, and The Changing U.S. Auto Industry: A Geographical Analysis.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


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