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Me vs. the Multiverse: Pleased to Meet Me

Angebote / Angebote:

What if you suddenly met someone who's you--only better? That's what happens in this hilarious new series for fans of Stuart Gibb's Moon Base Alpha and quirky sci-fi animated shows like Rick and Morty and Regular Show.It all starts with a note folded into the shape of an origami octopus: "Hi, Me. Yes, you. You're me, and I'm you." If you believe this and the other origami notes that follow--which middle schooler Meade Macon absolutely, positively does NOT--the concept of parallel dimensions is true, and there is a convention full of alternate versions of Meade waiting for his RSVP. It's got to be a joke.Except . . . the octopus is an origami fold Meade thought he invented. And the note writer has a lot of intel on him that nobody else should know. I mean, he's told his best friend Twig a lot about himself, but he's definitely kept mum about that time he sleepwalk-peed into his Lego container when he was six. Could Me Con be a real thing? And why does the origami stalker want him to go so badly anyway?
Lieferbar in ca. 20-45 Arbeitstagen


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