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  • Models and Algorithms of Time-Dependent Scheduling

Models and Algorithms of Time-Dependent Scheduling

Angebote / Angebote:

This is a comprehensive study of complexity results and optimal and suboptimal algorithms concerning time-dependent scheduling in single-, parallel- and dedicated-machine environments. In addition to complexity issues and exact or heuristic algorithms which are typically presented in scheduling books, the author also includes more advanced topics such as matrix methods in time-dependent scheduling, and time-dependent scheduling with two criteria.The reader should be familiar with basic notions of calculus, discrete mathematics and combinatorial optimization theory, while the book offers introductory material on NP-complete problems, and the basics of scheduling theory. The author includes numerous examples, figures and tables, he presents different classes of algorithms using pseudocode, and he completes the book with an extensive bibliography, and author, symbol and subject indexes.The previous edition of the book focused on computational complexity of time-dependent scheduling problems. In this edition, the author concentrates on models of time-dependent job processing times and algorithms for solving scheduling problems. The book is suitable for researchers working on scheduling, problem complexity, optimization, heuristics and local search algorithms.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


188,00 CHF