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Moving On

Angebote / Angebote:

It is the role of locals to report on a 'Preacher Kid's activities, at least in this book, the author, whether preteen or teenager, took opportunity to provide many escapades worth their reporting! This pattern continues throughout his later experiences during various careers. As a teenager during WWII provided early income opportunities, as all men over 18 away to war, thus saving money for college, early dating & marriage, leading to early maturing with family responsibilities. A decade of farming providing practical experience enabling better education choices, even all the while raising his family. By educating himself first through BS, MS, PhD, plus wife with BA, then ex-wife through law school, followed by 3-children from ASU, NAU and U of A, 21-year span of college tuition, probably a record!How his life changed from this long maturing and educational period, throughout following activities in public, private and international careers, provides an interesting perspective on broader societal differences experienced in many countries, including the USA. Middle East, North Africa societies are far different than South Equatorial Africa, Asia and/or Europe and the Americas. The author's perspective greatly aided by having wives at different stages of his careers, first American, 2nd Persia (Iran), 3rd Philippines. Reaching apex of careers at age 78 was an exceptional feat then upon retirement until now the author's reflection on life's experiences and potential societal change are unique indeed!
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


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