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  • Multidimensional Man Lives in a Multidimensional Reality

Multidimensional Man Lives in a Multidimensional Reality

Angebote / Angebote:

Is reality what we see at first glance when we observe something? This might sound as a senseless question. Obviously, what we see is real. Any object that enters in our field of perception is an objective reality that has weight, density, it is also inert or alive. But are there other levels of reality that are equally valid and real as the level observed at first sight? When we make this question, we realize that it has meaning because science has taught us is that total reality is not the one we perceive at first glance. It suffices to look below its external surface to discover a hidden reality not observable at first glance. One question normally opens the door to other questions. If this is true, one can ask, "Why is it important for me to become aware of those levels of reality if the immediate one is sufficient for my daily performance? How does this question help to clarify why we are designed the way we are?" The latter question immerses us immediately in the field of meaning, the why of things and events. This is another level of personal reality that we must investigate if we want to obtain the full picture of what we claim is real. This is the intention of this essay, to explore the different levels of objective and subjective reality in order to obtain a holistic perspective of ourselves and the world we live in, so that we can accept its diverse levels of reality at the same time that we give it the respect it deserves so that all of us can share and live on Earth, our one country.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


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