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  • Murder by Suicide

Murder by Suicide

Angebote / Angebote:

Just as Ellie Quicke is coming to terms with life as a widow, poison pen letters start to spread through the parish. The first targets are their much-loved vicar - who is dramatically transferred to another church under a cloud of suspicion - and Nora, their feeble little organist. When Nora goes to pieces, Ellie reluctantly intervenes while valiantly trying to cope with her own family crises. To complicate life further, Ellie gains two suitors, one of whom may not be all he appears to be. The poisonous letters keep on coming, and now their targets include Ellie herself. The police are no help, even when one victim is driven to suicide...
Folgt in ca. 5 Arbeitstagen


28,90 CHF