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My My My Life

Angebote / Angebote:

In My My My Life Alasdair Paterson treats us to a cornucopia of existential titbits, real or imaginary - from questions of pirate and Pictish identity to riffs on twilight and the twilight years, via an involuntary appearance in a Breughel painting, the poetic output of a mad king and dinner in a Titanic-themed restaurant. And much more...The smouldering heap throws off some sparks of native wit still, and one can only regret what great things might have been done had the author - at a vulnerable and unreflective age - not been seduced by thetrans-border mirage of adventures with regularly replenished bank deposits, freethinking in humid boudoirs and gaudy acts of worship, happy hours, roads less travelled, regional cheeses, spinsters cycling a wee bit the worse for drink through misty meadows to evensong, to say nothing of those modishly alleged cellular urgings to widen the gene pool... -The West Lothian Presbyter"Beware, Mr Paterson! The Stornoway Puffin has its eye on you!"-Stornoway Puffin
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


24,90 CHF