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My Religion

Angebote / Angebote:

Leo Tolstoy's "My Religion" it is a collection of essays that reflect Tolstoy's evolving spiritual and philosophical beliefs. The collection comprises Tolstoy's thoughts on religion, morality, and the meaning of life, and it provides insight into his personal spiritual journey. In "My Religion, " Tolstoy explores his rejection of organized religion, particularly the institutionalized forms of Christianity that were prevalent in his time. He criticizes the rituals, dogmas, and hierarchical structures of traditional religious institutions, arguing that they have deviated from the true teachings of Jesus Christ. Tolstoy's spiritual quest leads him to advocate for a simpler, more personal interpretation of Christianity. He emphasizes the importance of love, compassion, and non-resistance to evil, drawing inspiration from the Sermon on the Mount. Tolstoy's beliefs also extend to issues of social justice and pacifism, and he rejects violence as a means of solving problems. The essays in "My Religion" reveal Tolstoy's struggle with existential questions and his quest for a meaningful and authentic connection with the divine. The work is an essential part of Tolstoy's later philosophical writings, where he sought to reconcile his spiritual convictions with the complexities of the world around him. It's worth noting that Tolstoy's ideas in "My Religion" and other similar works had a profound impact on his life and influenced the development of his later masterpiece, "The Kingdom of God Is Within You." Overall, "My Religion" provides readers with a glimpse into the mind of one of the greatest novelists and thinkers of the 19th century as he grapples with profound questions about life, morality, and faith.
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23,90 CHF