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Myths and Legends of China

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Excerpt: ...his discovery of the pa kua, or Eight Trigrams. It is on the strength of these trigrams that Fu Hsi is regarded as the chief god of medicine, since it is by their mystical power that the Chinese physicians influence the minds and maladies of their patients. He is represented as holding in front of him a disk on which the signs are painted. The Ministry of Exorcism The Ministry of Exorcism is a Taoist invention and is composed of seven chief ministers, whose duty is to expel evil spirits from dwellings and generally to counteract the annoyances of infernal demons. The two gods usually referred to in the popular legends are P’, an Kuan and Chung K’, uei. The first is really the Guardian of the Living and the Dead in the Otherworld, Fêng-tu P’, an Kuan (Fêng-tu or Fêng-tu Ch’, êng being the region beyond the tomb). He was originally a scholar named Ts’, ui Chio, who became Magistrate of Tz’, ŭ, Chou, and later Minister of Ceremonies. After his death he was appointed to the spiritual post above mentioned. His best-known achievement is his prolongation of the life of the Emperor T’, ai Tsung of the T’, ang dynasty by twenty years by changing i, ‘, one, ’, into san, ‘, three, ’, in the life-register kept by the gods. The term P’, an Kuan is, however, more generally used as the designation of an officer or civil or military attendant upon a god than of any special individual, and the original P’, an Kuan, ‘, the Decider of Life in Hades, ’, has been gradually supplanted in popular favour by Chung K’, uei, ‘, the Protector against Evil Spirits.’, P’, an Kuan Page 249 The Exorcism of ‘, Emptiness and Devastation’, The Emperor Ming Huang of the T’, ang dynasty, also known as T’, ang Hsüan Tsung, in the reign-period K’, ai Yüan (A.D. 712-742), after an expedition to Mount Li in Shensi, was attacked by fever. During...
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