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Nation: Uncaged

Angebote / Angebote:

A Creole African Diaspora Perspective Poetry Collective that glides into the spaces of its readers' souls, like a windy breeze uptown whisperin' the calm before the storm that everybody knows is headed their way. New Orleans native of the Gumbo City, Darlena Marie Spears, weaves a colorful tapestry of words woven from diverse perspectives of old and new. Dreams recanted in a pattern of words give life to growing up in a city full of invisible color lines . Dreaming a Nation free of racism and insecurity one poem at a time, that interfaces the reality of a painful past with a promising future. Daring us all to uncage our minds, end racism once and for all, and think freely! "My Country I Shed Tears For Thee.." and "Culture" are bold and soul awakening. A ripe fruition of free speech that bares a Southern American poet's heart and soul, in dedication to Maya Angelou. Each poem beckons its reader to think and speak freely!
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28,90 CHF