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  • Nelson Goodman: Volume 2

Nelson Goodman: Volume 2

Angebote / Angebote:

Although some of Nelson Goodman's views have become unfashionable or seem unorthodox, much in his work is of lasting significance. Daniel Cohnitz and Marcus Rossberg assess Goodmanbs contribution to philosophy, including his acceptance and critique of positivism, his defence of nominalism and phenomenalism, his formulation of a new riddle of induction, his work on notational systems, and his analysis of the arts. They offer an analysis of the unifying features of Goodman's philosophy - his constructivism, conventionalism, and relativism - and discuss his central work, The Structure of Appearance, and its significance in the analytic tradition. They also examine Goodman's views on mereology and semiotics, which underly his philosophy and provide the background to his aesthetics.
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