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- Normkonkretisierende Irrelevanzschwellen umweltqualitätsrechtlicher Beeinträchtigungsverbote für schadstoffemittierende Anlagen
Normkonkretisierende Irrelevanzschwellen umweltqualitätsrechtlicher Beeinträchtigungsverbote für schadstoffemittierende Anlagen
Angebote / Angebote:
»Norm-Concretising >Irrelevance Thresholds< for Impairment Prohibitions of Environmental Quality Objectives Concerning Installations Emitting Pollutants. Motives, Admissibility and Formative Competence from a European Law Perspective«
This thesis assesses whether »irrelevance thresholds« (study area limitation, de minimis thresholds) are in conformity with European law when examining the environmental quality objectives under secondary law as a criterion for the granting of permits for installations emitting pollutants (so-called impairment prohibitions ). The justification of irrelevance thresholds is based on the thesis that impairment prohibitions under EU law consistently have a final structure that leaves room for Member States to concretise their provisions.
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