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Now I Lay Me

Angebote / Angebote:

Natalie appears to have it all - a happy marriage, two beautiful children and a successful career. She seeks medical attention for unexplained bruises on her body, but blood tests and sleep studies bring them no answers. She prays that her doctor's persistence will pay off and continues regular visits to him until he is brutally murdered. Her new doctor is suspicious of her and suggests she undergo psychiatric evaluation. She visits the psychiatrist once, but refuses to return after he suggests that she is injuring herself. When the doctor calls with test results, he questions whether she is taking sedatives. Concerned with the doctors findings, she decides to call local pharmacies on the long-shot that her husband may have a prescription. But why wouldn't he have told her and how could his medications show up in her tests?
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


23,50 CHF

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