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Obama 2012

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Using any lies to demonize Obama, the conservative crowd tries to frighten theAmerican people by accusing him of promoting CLASS WARFARE. During hisinspiring State of the Union, the President clearly stated that he and Democratsare not at all against financial success. On the contrary, we admire success ASLONG AS IT IS OBTAINED HONESTLY. What we demand is a tax code revision sothat those, like Romney, who make millions annually from 'investments' will nolonger get taxed at a lower rate than Americans who must work for a living. Mr.Romney only paid 13.9% on 40 + millions. If a group is promoting class warfare, it is not the 99%, it is the 1% who successfully lobbied the GOP to lower the taxrate on 'Investment/Capital Gain Incomes' to 15%. NOW THE GOP WANTS TOLOWER THE RATE EVEN MORE! It is so repugnant that America's 2 richest men, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet declared publicly that they should pay more taxes!WB even cited his secretary who pays a higher tax rate on her 'EARNED INCOME'$60, 000 SALARY than WB's rate on his INVESTMENT INCOME of several millions.Requesting an end to this scandal has nothing to do with Class Warfare. 'OBAMA2012 lists all sorts of GOP outrageous lies and schemes to vilify President Obama.The last chapter 'How Swede it is' shows how rational and compassionate politicshave transformed a previously poor country into a prosperous industrial giantwhere people are totally free to succeed in business but cannot abuse anybody
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