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  • Ocean Modelling for Beginners

Ocean Modelling for Beginners

Angebote / Angebote:

Thisbookfocusesonthedynamicsoftheoceanbeingin?uencedbytheEarth'sro- tion and density strati?cation. Fluids in motion are a dif?cult subject of study that traditionally requires advanced knowledge of analytical mathematics, in particularly matrix algebra, differential and integral calculus, and complex analysis. Hence, this fascinating ?eld of science, known as geophysical ?uid dynamics, is accessible only to a limited number of students - those who either are naturally geniuses or those who underwent tough years of intense University study. Fluid processes are inherently complex and analytical solutions describing ?uid dynamics exist only in a few instances and only under highly simpli?ed assu- tions. Computer-based numerical models are required to approximate ?uid beh- ior in more realistic situations. Because of its complexity, universities tend to offer subjects in computational modelling of ?uid dynamics only at postgraduate level. This is a pity given that ?uid processes are truly fascinating in nature and given that the oceans play a signi?cant role in shaping life on Earth. The approach I pursue in this book is different from the traditional approach.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


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