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  • Odilo Globocnik, Hitler's Man in the East

Odilo Globocnik, Hitler's Man in the East

Angebote / Angebote:

Odilo Globocnik, a collaborator of Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler, was responsible for the deaths of at least 1.5 million people in three Polish camps: Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec. Along with Rudolf Hoess, Globocnik may be named as one of the first industrial-style killers in history. He betrayed his homeland by conspiring with Hitler to destroy Austria's independence. Globocnik's Lublin Distrikt gulag was not merely a vehicle for a well-organized pogrom, it also involved creating a highly organized network of ghettos. By the winter of 1943 nearly all of the Jews of the Lublin Distrikt had been exterminated. Very little has been published on Globocnik. This authoritative biography details every aspect of his life from his ancestry to his suicide after being captured. Information has been researched from more than forty international archives, Globocnik's SS file, extensive interviews with his lover Irmgard Rickheim and others, a wealth of letters both personal and formal, internal memos and official reports of the SS, diaries, and the reminiscences of survivors.
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69,00 CHF