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  • Oh, That Four-Letter Word

Oh, That Four-Letter Word

Angebote / Angebote:

This four-letter word is not good and is bad to say. So don't ever use it, starting today. The word is used over and over by adults and children, alike. It hinders you in your everyday life and classroom experiences. By far, it may be one of the most over used and worst words in the English language.I got so tired of hearing this word, not only in my classroom, but on the basketball court and football field. "How can you succeed if you use this word as a crutch?" I had to ban the four-letter word, timeouts and lost recesses for students and laps for athletes. So read the book and remember to say, "I won't say that word, " each and every day.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


19,50 CHF