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One of the Many

Angebote / Angebote:

Who among us have not passed a beggar in the street? Or who among us has not looked upon the disheveled shell of another human and thought, "How could a person allow themselves to come to such a condition of utter worthlessness?" We invite you into a world that exists just below the surface of our everyday life. Come travel the roadways of the disenfranchised and the marginalized within our society. If you dare, turn these pages and read fact, not fiction, about the lives the author has encountered and by whom it made the difference between life and death!The characters are colorful, roguish, full of mischievous intent, and above all else, deeply compassionate in helping their assigned community. These are the people among which a new road traveler found himself. In an instance of happenstance or divine intervention, a young man comes across a community and mentor that become his guiding lights. Read as the story unfurls how an empty soul finds the filling of light in the darkest of moments.One of the Many is of moments in which things become revealed, and some things are shown to have existed all the time without our ever seeing them. These are the "Aha!" moments that bring clarity to troubling problems and solutions in dilemmas.In the final analysis, what starkly stands out is that sometimes facts are indeed stranger than fiction. This is especially true when it comes to judging others by what we see.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


23,50 CHF

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