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  • Our Threatened Climate

Our Threatened Climate

Angebote / Angebote:

In this book the author has succeeded in presenting the many facets of the globel problems and hazards for our climate and thei r i nterdi scip l inary aspects, as we II as maki ng these under­ standable for the non-specialist. In doing this, the author has not restricted himself to an analysis of the difficult problems but has indicated the necessity and the possibilities for ratio­ na l so lutions. The book, therefore, can be a va lueb le deci si on­ aid for all those who directly or indirectly are in positions of responsibi lity at various levels of administration or in industry end busi ness. We ll-timed precauti onary measures agai nst a g loba l deteri o­ ration of cLimate are not only necessary for reasons of environ­ mental protection. They are also an economical end political necessity. The measures include the reduction of the combustion of fossi l fue ls, a more rati one l energy uti l ization, as we II as the establishment of a global equilibrium between forest loss and reforestati on. The Federal German Government takes these potential anthro­ pogenic climate changes very seriously. In order to obtein better scientific information, the Federal Government has ini­ ti ated an i nterdi sci p l i nary nati one l Climate Programme. At the same time, the Federal Republic of Germany supports the relevant activities within the frame of international cooperation.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


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