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Passing Ponder & a Tribute to Women and Romance

Angebote / Angebote:

Life has become so busy, and the pace has become so fast, that we've begun to lose our focus. The first section of this book, "Passing Ponder.", was written in order to share thoughts, anecdotes, and concepts with the hope that we could regain our perspective, and learn to appreciate life again.Part of that 'perspective' also deals with the areas of romance and chivalry. Somewhere along the line, those concepts seem to have gotten lost in the shuffle of day to day life. Because of the many demands of life, 'corners' are being cut.and one of the first things to go, unfortunately, is in the realm of romance.Chivalry also has been a 'casualty of modern times'. Because it has become so relatively rare, many women have conceded, and have lowered their expectations. (I would venture to say that many women have become accustomed to the absence of such once common-place acts as having a door held for them.) As expectations have declined, the number of chivalrous acts has plummeted to unprecedented lows.Women should not have to settle for being treated as anything less than a 'lady'. As expectations climb, a 'renaissance of chivalry' will follow. We need to raise our daughters to expect it, and our sons in such a manner that these acts become second-nature."A Tribute to Women and Romance" was written in appreciation of the true beauty which exists uniquely within every woman.a beauty which frequently goes unacknowledged by the woman, herself. This section also addresses the 'art of romance'. It is my hope that this book will prompt a revitalization.a 'new age' of old-fashioned romance and chivalry.
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