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Pelican Tracks

Angebote / Angebote:

Pelican Tracks "is a book of poems with a homing instinct. Elton Glaser travels a restless circuit between his native Louisiana and his adopted home of Ohio, from the "spice and license of the lowlands" to the "streets of Akron cobbled in ice." These reflections, leavened with a fierce wit and moving bravura of language, are extracted from the origins and ends of the poet's life--his birth in the final spasms of the second World War, the fears and excitements of youth, the death of parents, and the unexpected losses of adulthood. Marking his tracks between the Pelican State and the Buckeye State, Glaser records the damaged beauty of "everything sinking, everything rising again in the mind.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


31,50 CHF

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