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Angebote / Angebote:

This work was made to study the photochemistry of riboflavin and the kinetics of riboflavin degradation after exposure to UV-Vis light phosphate buffer solution at different pH interval (2-10) with the same concentration (5�-5M ) was studied by the of UV-Vis spectrophotoscopy analyses, it showed that degradation increase as pH increase from pH (2-7)where the lumichrome a photoderivative forms in the acidic medium. a maximum degradation occurs at neutral pH (7). Then it began to decrease from pH (7-10). Where the lumiflavine (a photoderivative occurs at basic media) formed. We also calculated the quantum yield of this decomposition and found that an increasing occur from pH (2-7) (1.902�-4-6.020�-4) then a decrease occur from pH (7-10) (6.020�-4- 1.266�-4) as well as the reactivity ratio.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


52,90 CHF