"Always" by Guillaume Apollinaire < li> "Monologue for an Onion" by Sue Kwock Kim< li> "All I Was Doing Was Breathing" by Mirabai< li> "Seeing You" By Jean Valentine < li> And more< /ul>" />
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  • Poetry for Students

Poetry for Students

Angebote / Angebote:

< P> Each volume of < I>< X>Poetry< /X> for < X>Students< /X>< /I> provides analysis of approximately 20 poems that teachers and librarians have identified as the most frequently studied in literature courses. Some of the poems covered in this volume include: < ul>< li> "Not Like a Cypress" by Yehuda Amichai < li> "Always" by Guillaume Apollinaire < li> "Monologue for an Onion" by Sue Kwock Kim< li> "All I Was Doing Was Breathing" by Mirabai< li> "Seeing You" By Jean Valentine < li> And more< /ul>
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251,00 CHF