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Preacher Woman

Angebote / Angebote:

LYDIA NICE was a late nineteenth century wife and mother from rural Indiana. Known as Preacher Woman, she was called to lead revivals while she was in her twenties, full-well knowing that the vocation was unconventional for a woman. She persevered to lead revivals throughout the state. With three small children and a moderately supportive if not apathetic husband, she withstood enormous accolades but also harsh criticism. When the criticism turned to moral attacks and accusations of preposterous adultery, she reacted in an unheard manner...she sued the distinguished wealthy, gentleman land-owner for slander and restitution. A twelve member all-male jury after hours of deliberation, decided in her favor. She won the unprecedented case but with three defense attorneys linked to political establishment, stoked in strong biases for traditional authority and reluctant to embrace change, the judge mocked her female spunk with an award of one cent to chastise her. The spectacular sermons continued as Lydia was stricken with an aggressive form of breast cancer at barely thirty years of age. The area newspapers graphically described the amputation of her breasts in an era when breast cancer was not spoken-of in mixed company, but Lydia was judged by a different standard... perhaps to further chastise. The barbaric surgery in a pre-antibiotic era was performed by the beloved Dr. Charles Chittick, and Lydia miraculously survived the surgery, and nearly immediately returned to her preaching. She was an inspiration for the power of personal conviction and the courage to challenge the system, at great personal sacrifice.
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