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  • Prisoners of Hope

Prisoners of Hope

Angebote / Angebote:

This collection of travel essays, arguments, poems and devotional reflections is a call to a return to the fortress - Jesus Christ. He is the only true source of hope, as many who have been captivated by His love can testify. Yet our culture is increasingly captivated (in an ominous sense) by false hopes marketed at increasing profit by the "athletes, actors, self-proclaimed kings, " who are increasingly our chosen heroes. In these essays, the person of the Christ is presented as the Hero - freely given, divinely chosen, faithful and true. To be His "prisoner" is to be free indeed.Steven J. Keillor (Ph.D., University of Minnesota) is an independent scholar engaged in research and writing on rural history for the Minnesota Historical Society and other organizations. He has taught at Iowa State University, Minnesota State University, Bethel College and Northwestern College. He has published several academic texts in the field of American history, politics and government including This Rebellious House: American History & the Truth of Christianity (IVP), and his work has appeared in national publications like Books & Culture and in professional journals like Minnesota History, Agricultural History and Norwegian-American Studies. Keillor is based in Askov, Minnesota.
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