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We asked the question: Why is this world in such pain today? This was the burning question that began our search to find the missing piece of the puzzle of life that will give us the answers we need now - answers that have for far too long been hidden from the minds of humanity. Whether it be the vulnerability of a person's state of mind, or the complete craziness of a worldwide pandemic scare, or the insanity of a planet on fire with human controversy everywhere you look, this world we live in today is indeed a precariously fragile existence. And now we must understand why we have come to this. Why have we reached this critical tipping point at this moment in our history as a civilization?We need to find the truth of this. We need these answers now so we never have to walk this road again. And this book will give you those answers. It will give to humanity a way out from everything that is going wrong on this planet - everything that is a plague on humanity's right to have life.As far as we can see, these words - these most precious messages of hope - hold the key to all of it, not just some of it but all of it coming to a perfect resolution - a perfect state of completion that we need now, before we move this planet past the point of no return.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


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