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- Psythur
Angebote / Angebote:
psithurism [sith-yuh-riz-uhm] noun:
a rustling or whispering sound, such as leaves in the wind, susurration
Psythur is a collections of works selected by the editors throughout the year. Poems that were misfits for our other collections, but nonetheless stirred our mind, heart, or soul.
Aleksandra Vujisi¿
Anthony Perconti
Bernardo Villela
Carol Edwards
Catherine A. MacKenzie
Clement Oluwafemi
Corinne Pollard
Daniel Moreschi
Evie Groch
Fred Gerhard
Gerald Jatzek
Gladys Marie Cubias
Indy Samra
Irina Novikova
K.A. Schultz
Keri Withington
Kofi Oduro
Kurt Newton
L.A. Felleman
LaVern Spencer McCarthy
Leila Sandra M.
Linda Sparks
Lisa Reynolds
Marc Sorondo
Mark Andrew Heathcote
Matt McGee
Morton Otwell Gourdneck
Olga Levadnaya
Paul W. Hunt
Pratibha Savani
Rebecca Cuthbert
Rebecca Köodziej
Ross Leishman
Sharmon Gazaway
Sheldon Woodbury
Swayam Prashant
Theodore Ndlovu
Victoria Elizabeth Ruwi
William Waldorf
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen