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There are countless people today who are carrying out normal day-to-day activities with a pulse, but they have literally checked out on life. The check out is so severe, often times, there is a numbing effect towards life and happiness is a distant memory. What happens when you are walking, talking, and going through the motions with no sense of real purpose? You might feel as if you are doing what you need to do in order to survive, but are you truly living? Putting Life in Check will give you the confidence to live a life of excellence that God intended for each and every one of us to live, in the midst of challenges. Putting Life in Check offers new channels of inspiration that will amplify you to thrive, and steer your heart towards the positive state it was designed to function in. The compelling poetry, stories, and testimonies in this book will captivate you with realistic words of peace, survival, and resilience!When life is hitting you from all sides, there must be key strategies in place that will allow you to balance the weight of life effectively. Putting Life in Check will encourage you to achieve a new way of thinking and living! Are you ready to clear the heavy debt life has dropped in your lap and deposit joy into your future? Bestselling Authors Le'Juana Searcy and Chrisshone Swayne will take you on a journey that will build your character and help you evaluate where you are today, knowing it's not where you have to stay, which in essence is the first step to Putting Life in Check!
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


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